I apologize to the regular readers of this blog for the blogging sabbatical of the last two months (and special apologies to the seven of you who emailed me this past week to remind me that I have a blog).
I am not sure of the purpose and direction of this blog anymore, which is a problem since I am the primary author. Wife and I started this blog just a year ago when we were beginning a nine-month excursion in Manhattan. Countless family members and friends asked us to keep them appraised of our adventures. With that in mind, Wife and I thought the blog would be a good way to chronicle our year in NYC, both for others and ourselves. But something happened along during our year here: New York City went from being an exciting adventure, to simply being our home. Our status suddenly changed from "tourist" to "domiciliary."
Wife and I feel unsure of how to proceed with the blog. We have never intended to have an public online journal to share the private details of our lives. But we do enjoy the interaction with family and friends through the blog (primarily through Linda's comments and other's emails).
Another complication about writing on the blog: our lives are suddenly rather boring. Well, at least the information we can share is boring. Wife would love to share about new products and advertising campaigns that you will soon see from her clients - but she can't. I have an urge to share interesting stories about companies you're familiar with, but that is a complete taboo. So, we're not too sure what to talk about. We don't feel like sharing editorial commentary on politics. There is really no reason to share our opinion on the news of the day. Most of the readers have no interest in reading theological analysis.
A story I can share: not long ago I was going to work, getting ready to walk into our skyscraper. I noticed several television crews nearby, but I thought nothing of it. As I walked up to the building, I was stunned when a microphone was shoved into my face, a camera pushed into my path, and a reporting asking for comment regarding news of the day. I was taken completely off guard, but responded as coolly as I could, "No comment." I didn't bother telling the reporter that I had no comment because I had absolutely nothing intelligent to share on the subject. Even so, it was nice to be asked my opinion.