Wednesday, July 10, 2013

18 Months

So for the last several days we have all been sick with colds.  Summer colds are the worst because it is hot and humid, ac has to run in order to not overheat and the ac and colds do not mix!  Well in all the misery of caring for everyone I almost forgot that Elizabeth has her 18-month-old checkup.   I don't know what shocks me more - the fact that I almost forgot Elizabeth's appointment  (thank goodness for appointment reminders on my phone) or the fact that I have an 18-month-old.  Where in the world have the last 18 months gone?

I actually am sad.  Every day I am amazed by how much she is growing and I want to stop the clock or slow it down so I can take it all in.  So I guess since I cannot stop the clock I will have to take tons of pictures to document their childhood.  Before I know it I will have two teenage girls on my hands.  That thought terrifies me!

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