Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Things Our Kids Say (Alternative Title - "The Girls Will Kill Me When They Are Old Enough to Read This")

Our girls are adorable. But sometimes, the things that they say....

When Elizabeth "passes gas," she proudly announces, "My bottom beeped."  The first time she made this announcement, it took me a while to figure out what she was talking about.  Depending on the nature of the bodily function, she may explain, "My bottom went BEEEEP" or "My bottom went beep, beep, beep."

A few days ago, Mommy was walking down the street with Katie when they encountered a little person.  Katie got very excited and announced, "Look.  I know what they call someone like that!   An elf!"

Elizabeth is not a big fans of gloves or mittens.  When she's in her stroller, she would prefer to sit on her hands than wear her mittens.   I took the girls for a walk this morning, and it was pretty cold outside (in the 20s).  We stopped at a crosswalk, and Elizabeth started yelling to get my attention.  "Daddy, my bottom beeped!  My hands are warm now!"


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