Thursday, September 29, 2016

100 Posts COMPLETED!!!

Wow.   I cannot believe 100 days are over.  On June 11th I set out to try to get back in the habit of blogging.  Since that time Katie finished 1st Grade, Elizabeth finished pre-school.  We spent a lot of time in Central Park and the Museum.  All of us had haircuts (Husband had several.. I never did get a before and after of him getting a haircut... hmmm ideas).  The girls spent a week at VBS.  We celebrated Husband's birthday.   We spent a lot of time in Bryant Park.  The girls hugged - a lot.  (I am so thankful they truly love one another).   Husband and I celebrated 10 years of marriage - he is kind of amazing!  We played at a lot playgrounds.  The girls enjoyed ice cream, a few times... 2016 Rio Olympics - GO USA!!! Broadway in Bryant Park.  We celebrated Katie turning 7!  The girls shaved with Daddy.  We went on an amazing vacation to California.  The girls started 2nd grade and pre-k.    I cannot wait to see where the next 100 days take us.  Hopefully the habit I formed these past 100 posts has stuck and I will keep this up.  Now I just need to figure out how to turn this blog into an online scrapbook to keep forever.

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