Sunday, March 25, 2018

Elizabeth's Palm Sunday Question

Today is Palm Sunday.  As we do nearly every Sunday, we went to church.  Katie spends about half the the service with us before leaving with the other grade school children for their class.  Elizabeth spends the service in her kindergarten Sunday school class.

In her Sunday school class this morning, Elizabeth, of course, learned about what happened on Palm Sunday nearly two thousand years ago.  The kindergarten teacher explained to the class that, on Palm Sunday, people put their coats onto the road, and then Jesus rode a donkey down the street.  The donkey walked on the coats as the crowd cheered, "Hosanna!  Hosanna!"

Elizabeth raised her hand.  "Excuse me.  I have a question.  So, people put their coats on the road and then Jesus rode on a donkey.  And the donkey walked the coats, right?  Well, what if the donkey had diarrhea?  Animals do that sometimes."
It was an honest question that was really bothering Elizabeth.  But I sympathize with Elizabeth's Sunday school teacher.   


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