Saturday, April 18, 2020

Stuff Sheltering in Place in Manhattan is Causing Me to Do

In the last few weeks, I've started doing something I never expected I'd do: laundry in the bathtub.

Living in a Manhattan, we don't have a washer or dryer in our apartment.  

We have a laundry room in the building, but we have practically a thousand people who live in the building.  And statistically, we likely have more people who have COVID-19 living in this building than there are people who have it in most towns in America.  

So, while Wife does occasionally brave the laundry room for some laundry that we really can't do in the bathtub, we try to minimize those trips by washing most items in the bathtub.

Yeah, the kids are going to remember this period in our lives forever.  And so will the parents.    

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