Sunday, June 25, 2017

An Afternoon with Liz

Our youngest daughter has an endless stream of personality and spunk.   She's extremely bright and outgoing.  And she's always an entertainer. By the way, she recently announced that she wants to be known as Liz (her "little name," as she calls it).  I'm not sure how long this will last, but she's extremely adamant.  

Here's a few gems from Liz from a single afternoon.

"I have the best big sister in the world.  Do you know why Katie is able to be the best big sister in the world?  Because I'm the best little sister in the world."

"Look at this awesome tower I just built.  Can I get a Wha! Wha!?!?!" (Complete with hand gestures of her "raising the roof")

"Mom, you're pretty great.  But, Daddy, he's just really special."

As I'm admonishing her to talk more quietly, she says with a shrug, "Dad, I guess I'm just a loud girl." (It was hard to keep a straight face as I continued to admonish her.)

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