Saturday, June 3, 2017


Five year old Elizabeth has been doing a lot of deep thinking lately.  But she doesn’t describe it quite like most of us do – she coins new terms.  Recently, we were out walking and she was quiet for quite a while.  We asked her what she was doing, and she explained that she was “focusating.”

Of course, that led to the question of what in the world is “focusating”?  Elizabeth explained that focusating is a combination of focusing and concentrating.  It’s a very deep activity, when you are both focusing and concentrating really, really hard. 

We asked Elizabeth what she was focusating about, and she revealed that she was focusating on the fact that since she’s not getting a baby brother, perhaps we should be getting a puppy instead.  However, she expounded, since she’s concerned that Mommy may be allergic to dogs, she was focusating on the fact that she really wants a puppy but she doesn’t want Mommy to die.

This afternoon, we were out walking, and Elizabeth was doing something new.  She was “imaginating.”  What’s “imaginating”?  Well, obviously it’s when you imagine and concentrate really, really hard at the same time.  What was she “imaginating”?  What it would be like if she had a puppy.

What does Katie have to say about this?  “My sister is ridiculous.” 

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