Thursday, January 30, 2014

Deaf in the NFL

I have been trying to write a post for a couple weeks about Derrick Coleman but every time my emotions get the best of me and I have to stop.  If you do not know who Derrick Coleman is do me a favor and google him.  There are numerous articles and stories about this fine young man.  He is the first legally deaf player to ever play in the NFL and he is going to the Superbowl.  Needless to say, our house will be cheering for the Seahawks on Sunday because we would love nothing more than to see Derrick Coleman achieve his dream.  He is an inspiration to kids everywhere.  Kids with normal hearing and kids that cannot hear anything have a lot they can learn from him.  He gives credit to his mom and dad, family, friends and God.  And for all of them, I am thankful. 

From one mother of a hard of hearing child to another, Mrs. Coleman - thank you.  Thank you for paving the way for me and for raising such a fine young man that not only do I look up to but my daughter can as well.  For now I will leave it at that.  Below you will find a few videos about Derrick. 

I showed the girls the Duracell commercial.  Elizabeth was so excited to see someone with hearing aids like her.  I know she doesn't fully understand or comprehend the magnitude of this yet but one day she will.  She kept point to her hearing aid and clapping.  My favorite line "They told me it was over, but I've been deaf since I was three so I didn't listen." 

Duracell Commercial 

More on Derrick

Surprises Twin Girls

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