Sunday, January 19, 2014

Katie Goes to Church

This morning, Elizabeth woke up a little ill, so I got to take Katie to church by myself.  For a few reasons, I decided to take Katie to "big" church with me.

When we sat down at church, Katie turned to me and explained, "I am kinda a big girl now, but, you know, I'm not really a grown up yet."  Glad to know she recognizes that.

After church, I asked Katie her thoughts on the grown-up service.  She thoughtfully responded, "It was good, but it wasn't really Katie-appropriate."  Hey, truth be told, she didn't squirm around as much as some of the adults around us.

As we walked home, Katie began pleading for me to take her to a restaurant.  I explained that restaurants are expensive, and we only go to restaurants on special occasions.  Without missing a beat, Katie responded, "But, Daddy, it is a special occasion, I went to grown-up church with you.  It's a VERY special occasion."

Needless to say, this kid is growing up.

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