Saturday, January 23, 2010

Picture of the Day: I'm a brilliant baby. I here and reads books by myself. No, of course this isn't staged. I can really read on my own.

Katie's First Email

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This week while I was at work, received an email with the text above from Wife. I looked at it, I tried to figure out what Wife was telling me. Wife followed it up with a message translating the phrase, "Hi, Daddy. I love you." Wife explained that Katie pounded out that message on the keyboard, and Wife is confident that's what Katie was trying to tell me.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Picture of the Day: When I woke up from my nap today, I was in Central Park. Daddy gave me my lunch there. People stared. Mommy took pictures.

Well, duh.

Wife, Katie and I spent most of the day walking around Manhattan. For part of the afternoon, we strolled through Central Park. As we meandered by one of the ponds, a woman near us exclaimed as she looked at the pond, "Wow! The ice is frozen!"

Monday, January 11, 2010

Mommy Struggles with "Real Food"

Mommy might have trouble feeding Katie "real food" on her own. As I was feeding Katie her "real food," I commented that this "real food" will look just about the same coming out as it does going in. Mommy threw up.

Update: Mommy would like me to point out that she's perfectly fine with spit up and poop. But there's just something about this food that grosses her out.

Picture of the Day: As long as I have my toes, I'll never be bored. Ok, maybe I will, but I do love playing with my toes.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Katie's Newest Trick

Katie has a new trick - blowing bubbles. She loves to stick her slobbery tongue slightly out of her mouth and blow. This, obviously, results in lots of bubbles and slobber. She thinks it's awesome. Whenever she does this, she gets a huge smile, and she usually starts to giggle. As a parent, I'm not quite sure how to deal with a 4 1/2 month old baby doing this. On one hand, it is messy and disgusting. On the other hand, it is kind of cute and almost impossible to stop (mommy says it is more than just "kind of cute"). Let's hope she outgrows this behavior soon.

Picture of the Day: Mommy makes the stuff; Daddy gives it to me. Looks like we can just cut out the middleman for my late night meal.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Monumental Day in Katie's Life: She Moves

This will go down in history as the day that Katie become mobile. No, she doesn't walk. No, she doesn't crawl. But she does get wherever she wants to go shockingly quickly. How does she do it? When she is on her back, she arches her back so that the only thing touching the ground is her head and her feet. She then uses her arms and legs to quickly move wherever she wants go. Her arms and legs move surprisingly fast (Wife says it almost looks like she is having a seizure, but she clearly has complete control over each movement). Her legs provide most of the power, while her arms control her direction.

Since she moves around when we put her on her back, Wife decided to just flip her onto her tummy for a minute when she doesn't want Katie sliding off the bed. Nope, that doesn't help. Katie just rolls from her tummy to her back and races off to go wherever she wants to go.

Katie is extremely pleased with herself for figuring out this maneuver. When I came home from work tonight, Katie immediately showed me her new trick. As she moved around, she looked up at me with a huge smile. I don't think I've ever seen her so pleased with herself.

Picture of the Day: Ok, I'm ready to help Mommy work. If only I could reach those papers, then I would be really helpful.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Linking to Another Firm's Self-Promotion

This isn't my firm's holiday card. Though it's always a little bit hard to say nice things about another firm, I need to's a funny card.


Picture of the Day: Ok, let's do a quick photo shoot.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Picture of the Day: Aunt Dia gave me a hat for Christmas!

Katie Likes to Laugh

For the last few minutes, I have been playing with Katie with Mommy sitting next to us watching us play. When I played my little entertaining games with her, Katie started laughing. Real laughter, not just cooing, giggles, or talking. As Katie laughed, Mommy started to laugh too...hard. If you know Mommy, you know about her laugh (not her giggle, her laugh). So, the sequence of events went like this: Katie started to laugh, then Mommy started laughing, then Katie abruptly looks at Mommy trying to figure out what this new noise was - Katie seemed to think Mommy was breaking. After everyone calmed down we did it again with the same sequence of events.

Picture of the Day: The stuff in the boxes is cool. This paper on the outside is awesome.