Sunday, June 25, 2017

An Afternoon with Liz

Our youngest daughter has an endless stream of personality and spunk.   She's extremely bright and outgoing.  And she's always an entertainer. By the way, she recently announced that she wants to be known as Liz (her "little name," as she calls it).  I'm not sure how long this will last, but she's extremely adamant.  

Here's a few gems from Liz from a single afternoon.

"I have the best big sister in the world.  Do you know why Katie is able to be the best big sister in the world?  Because I'm the best little sister in the world."

"Look at this awesome tower I just built.  Can I get a Wha! Wha!?!?!" (Complete with hand gestures of her "raising the roof")

"Mom, you're pretty great.  But, Daddy, he's just really special."

As I'm admonishing her to talk more quietly, she says with a shrug, "Dad, I guess I'm just a loud girl." (It was hard to keep a straight face as I continued to admonish her.)

Friday, June 23, 2017

Katie's Presentation

Today at school, Katie presented a project she worked on with some of her classmates.  Together, they made a subway car, a bridge, and a subway sign.  This is, obviously, the subway car.  Katie was quite the presenter as she explained the projects to a group that included her class, other kids in the school, and many parents.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Getting Old

Wife overheard 5 year old Liz and 7 year old Katie having this discussion:

Liz:  "I am getting old!"

Katie:  "Yeah, so I am I." 

Liz:  "Sometimes at naptime, I have to have people help me get up.   I feel it in my bones!" 

Katie: "You feel what in your bones?"

Liz:  "OLD!   I feel my bones getting older and older.  It is hard work and hurts!"

Yep, it sure is tough to be 5.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Why No School On Monday?

This evening, as we were eating dinner, Wife mentioned that the girls don't have school on Monday.

Katie responded, "I think I know why."

Why Katie?

Because on Sunday night is the Tony Awards.  After all, we are in Times Square.  All the parents are going to let their kids stay up all night watching the Tony Awards, and the school knew that the kids would need to sleep in.  So, can I watch the Tony Awards on Sunday night?  Boom, Mom and Dad!"

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Another Lizzism

Today is the birthday of one of Elizabeth's friends.  

Elizabeth just wished her friend "Happibulations!"

Ummm....what's that?  

Happy birthday along with Congratulations.  Obviously. 

Saturday, June 3, 2017


Five year old Elizabeth has been doing a lot of deep thinking lately.  But she doesn’t describe it quite like most of us do – she coins new terms.  Recently, we were out walking and she was quiet for quite a while.  We asked her what she was doing, and she explained that she was “focusating.”

Of course, that led to the question of what in the world is “focusating”?  Elizabeth explained that focusating is a combination of focusing and concentrating.  It’s a very deep activity, when you are both focusing and concentrating really, really hard. 

We asked Elizabeth what she was focusating about, and she revealed that she was focusating on the fact that since she’s not getting a baby brother, perhaps we should be getting a puppy instead.  However, she expounded, since she’s concerned that Mommy may be allergic to dogs, she was focusating on the fact that she really wants a puppy but she doesn’t want Mommy to die.

This afternoon, we were out walking, and Elizabeth was doing something new.  She was “imaginating.”  What’s “imaginating”?  Well, obviously it’s when you imagine and concentrate really, really hard at the same time.  What was she “imaginating”?  What it would be like if she had a puppy.

What does Katie have to say about this?  “My sister is ridiculous.”