Thursday, September 29, 2016

100 Posts COMPLETED!!!

Wow.   I cannot believe 100 days are over.  On June 11th I set out to try to get back in the habit of blogging.  Since that time Katie finished 1st Grade, Elizabeth finished pre-school.  We spent a lot of time in Central Park and the Museum.  All of us had haircuts (Husband had several.. I never did get a before and after of him getting a haircut... hmmm ideas).  The girls spent a week at VBS.  We celebrated Husband's birthday.   We spent a lot of time in Bryant Park.  The girls hugged - a lot.  (I am so thankful they truly love one another).   Husband and I celebrated 10 years of marriage - he is kind of amazing!  We played at a lot playgrounds.  The girls enjoyed ice cream, a few times... 2016 Rio Olympics - GO USA!!! Broadway in Bryant Park.  We celebrated Katie turning 7!  The girls shaved with Daddy.  We went on an amazing vacation to California.  The girls started 2nd grade and pre-k.    I cannot wait to see where the next 100 days take us.  Hopefully the habit I formed these past 100 posts has stuck and I will keep this up.  Now I just need to figure out how to turn this blog into an online scrapbook to keep forever.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Day 100 - Mickey's House

If we have to wait on line for an hour to see the big guy, at least they have cool things for the kids to play on.  The next room even had classic Mickey cartoons.  Elizabeth was captivated.  She sure loves Mickey Mouse. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Day 99 - Let's Go Fly A Kite

Finally have It's a Small World out of your head?  How about we try Let's Go Fly a Kite?  The girls loved meeting Mary Poppins and Bert.  They were able to get their autographs (oh yes.... Daddy did get the girls autograph books so that we could collect some signatures.  We had important people to meet.   On a side note - the girls thought it was kind of amazing that they could go up to the characters, talk to them, touch them etc.  While walking through NYC I have a very strict policy that 1) we do not talk to the characters and 2) we do not touch them.)

Monday, September 26, 2016

Day 98 - It's a Small World

It is a small world....  (now tell me when you finally get the song out of your head). 

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Day 96 - The Happiest Place on Earth

It is the Happiest Place on Earth.  

Friday, September 23, 2016

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Day 94 - Downtown Disney!

Finally on the downward slope of our trip. The day began with breakfast with Great Grandma and then Downtown Disney!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Day 93 - In & Out

In & Out.  Of course we had to have it!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Day 92 - Old Friends and New

Johnathan and Husband met many years in college.  He was one of the first of Husband's friends that I met.  Through him I met his wonderful wife and we quickly became friends.  About a year and half ago they adopted an incredibly special little girl, Macy.  It was so great to finally meet her and spend some time with old friends.    The girls were instant friends.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Day 90 - The Amazing Fran

I am so thankful we were able to spend some time with the wonderful Fran.  Fran was a dear friend of Husband's even before I came around.  She immediately welcomed me into the fold with open arms and became my biggest ally.  She and the also amazing, Lura, even flew out to our wedding in Texas.  I am so thankful for the friendship and love she has shown our family over the years. We love her a ton.  She was able to meet Katie years ago but this was the first time meeting Elizabeth.  The girls love her as much as we do. 

NYC - Bombs in Chelsea

Thanks to everyone who reached out and asked if we are okay, and, yes, we're perfectly fine. About a mile from our apartment there was an explosion this evening. Thankfully, the only impact it has had on our family tonight is hearing the nonstop sirens on the streets below.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Day 89 - The last of SeaWorld

It wouldn't quite be SeaWorld without Shamu.  This is the last year of the Shamu show.  SeaWorld is creating a whole new habitat for the whales and the show will no longer go on.  I am so thankful we were able to show the girls before it went away forever.  It was a phenomenal day.   Katie left the park claiming that when she grew up she was going to be a whale trainer.  (Both husband and I had that same dream as kids). 

Elizabeth was a little excited to see the whales!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Day 88 - Rides at Seaworld?

Going to SeaWorld was one of my favorite memories as a kid.  Once we moved to San Diego that was out big summer outing every year.  I LOVED it!  Husband has great memories of going to SeaWorld as well.  It was so wonderful to show the girls something that we both loved as kids.  In fact, before we were married, Husband and I went to SeaWorld and had a great time.  Sadly, the shows have changed.  The trainers no longer get in the water with the animals.  The shows are much shorter and essentially just a splash fest.  Thankfully, the girls didn't know any better and still enjoyed it all!  One thing that is different is that SeaWorld now has rides!  Back in my day there was one helicopter simulator ride (and that was brand new).  Now there are several rides and most of them you get wet!  I am not a fan of roller coasters or getting wet but I went on all the rides with the girls.  They LOVED them.  We are also considered the cool parents that not only let their kids sit in the splash zone but we sat with them!  (Thankfully Husband was strategic where he picked out seats and we didn't get soaked!).  It was seriously an amazing day.  I am so thankful we were able to go and do this. 

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Day 86 - More Seaworld

Elizabeth wasn't a fan of the Shark Encounter.  She pretty much clung for dear life the whole time. 

Katie liked the sharks!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Day 84 - Seaworld

Elizabeth thought these little fishes were great! You were allowed to stick your hand in the water and watch the fish nibble on your skin.  It only tickled.  While Elizabeth giggled in delight, Katie looked at her like she was crazy!

=This is Sea World's version of the teacup ride.  The girls and I have a tradition of always riding the teacups together.  I love sharing that with them but I always forget how dizzy I get!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Day 83- FOOD!

I think Katie's favorite part of the trip was that she was able to order something different for almost all of her meals.  I love how adventurous she is when she eats.  Elizabeth did pretty well too!  While she might not be trying the delicious salmon like her big sister, she sure did go to town on the fries!  (with some burger on the side as well). 

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Day 82 - Playing with Great Grandma

Great-Grandma played Mickey and Minnie with Elizabeth before dinner was served. 

Day 82 - Friends United

We spent the evening with my oldest friend and her family.  They have two little boys the same age of the girls.  It is so great to see how within seconds the crazy four were running off to play together - it was as if they have never been apart.  

Friday, September 9, 2016

Day 81 - More Encinitas

Noah and Lance

Who needs the ocean when there is sand to play in?

Elizabeth despises the sun in her eyes

Katie was great at posing

The morning ended with grabbing some awesome Mexican food (oh how I miss good avocados).  Katie found this cool surfboard/bench to stand on and Elizabeth found space to run!