Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Recap of Katie's Third NBA Game

Wife would like to point out that Katie is an extremely fortunate little girl. Katie has gone to three NBA games in her six months of life. Wife has only gone to four NBA games in a lot longer than six months.

Here is a picture of Katie watching the players warm-up before game began.

See that really big guy in front of Katie? You may notice that Katie looks more interested in his hat than she is in what's going on the court. She tried to take off his hat later in the game.

There were several photographers taking a lot of pictures of Katie, so if you find some pictures of a little girl who looks like Katie at a Knicks game, it may well be her.

Here is a picture of Marc Gasol and a few of his teammates during the warm-ups (yes, it is a low quality picture. I lowered the quality even more than normal because (i) I didn't see any reason to provide a high qualify photo to steal and (ii) why waste precious photo quota storage space on a picture of anything but Katie?).

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The hip hop, the hippie, the hippie, to the hip hip hop, you don't stop , the rock it to the bang bang boogie say up jumped the boogie to the rhythm..

This evening was "old school night" at Madison Square Garden. Our halftime entertainment this evening was a short concert from the original members of the Sugarhill Gang. You don't remember them? They released the first hip-hop song that went gold and platinum. Watching the boasting of rappers who are approaching seasoned citizen age is a little humorous.

Of course, the most humorous part of this was watching Katie dance. And dance she did! Katie entertained our entire section as she stood on wife's lap and together they bounced with the hip hop, the hippie, the hippie, to the hip hip hop, they didn't stop, they rocked it to the bang bang boogie say up jumped the boogie to the rhythm of the boogie, the be. You have no idea what I'm talking about? Watch the video and then picture Wife and Katie dancing along with that.

Picture of the Day: Again, Daddy is fortunate that the flash didn't wake me up. Daddy is impressed that he got this shot in the dark (with the flash)

My Third NBA Game (and I'm only 1/2 a year old!)

In twenty minutes, I'm off to my third New York Knicks game at Madison Square Garden. You may recall my first game was the Knicks against the Golden State Warriors (the Knicks got blown out). The second game was a nail-biter against the Clippers where the Clipps dominated the first half but the Knicks came back to win the game in the final seconds. It was a good game (especially if your a Knicks fan), but I was too busy hanging out with celebrities and chearleaders that night to really care about the game, so I don't remember too much.

Tonight, we have an awesome game with the Knicks against the Memphis Grizzlies (don't laugh - it really should be a good game). Mommy is really excited because we get to see Marc Gasol, the center for Memphis - but more importantly, he is the little brother of the Lakers' Pau Gasol (for all you non-sports fans, no, I didn't forget the "l"). Marc was drafted by the Lakers but included in the trade for his brother.

Anyway, Mommy says I need a big meal before we leave, so I'm going to go eat. Daddy will probably talk our ears off explaining the various players and match-ups that we are about to see. I'm not sure if he realizes that I've been listening to basketball analysis since I've been in the womb. I may only be 6 months old, but I have been learning about the game for fifteen months. If you want to catch up on what we are about to see, you can check out this link:

Memphis at New York: Analysis by Three Shades of Blue

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Time to Update Your Food Score Card

I had a new food tonight, which reminds me that I need to update everyone on the foods that I like and what I don't. We'll run down the list starting with my first foods and ending with my most recent culinary adventures.
  • I don't like rice cereal. That's all I have to say about that.
  • I love sweet potatoes. Wow...that stuff is yummy.
  • I originally didn't like green beans, but they started to grow on me. They don't compete with sweet potatoes, but I'll eat it with minimal facial contortions.
  • I think butternut squash is just about as good as sweet potatoes - but not quite.
  • Peas. I'm not sure about them yet. I ate a pretty big bowl of them tonight, but so far I put them somewhere between green beans and butternut squash on the list of my favorite big girl food.
We're working our way through the food list. When will it be time to have sweet potatoes again?

Picture of the Day: I'm not sure if you can tell from this picture, but I'm dancing. I like to dance.

Monday, February 22, 2010

I am a Healthy Baby

Mommy tricked me today. I was so excited because we bundled up and headed down to the subway. The subway is great fun. If you can handle loud noises, you should try it. I don’t like blenders, but trains are fun. Once we climb into the subway car, there are all kinds of interesting people (most of whom find me adorable) and cool lights to look at as we zoom down the track. Well the last time we took the subway we went to Costco for some fun shopping. I thought we were going to Costco again today, but I was wrong.

Mommy took me to the doctor for my 6 month check-up. As soon as I saw Dr. S, I began to cry. I knew what was coming. Mommy and Daddy haven’t raised a dummy. I knew he was about to stick me with needles. I am normally a very pleasant baby to be around, but I DO NOT like getting shots. They hurt!

The good news is the doctor said I am absolutely perfect (he has good taste). I am now 15 pounds and 8 ounces and 25.5 inches long. My brain is growing to be quite big. It has to be growing to hold all the letters, numbers, states, lyrics and stories I am learning. The doctor told Mommy that she and Daddy should be proud of themselves because they are raising a very healthy and perfect baby. Their hard work and love are paying off. Mommy and Daddy were happy with the results of the doctor visit, but I wasn’t too happy. I think I deserve some sweet potatoes tonight.

Picture of the Day: Mommy and Daddy took me to the Cartoon Network. You can tell how excited I was by that.

Exchange of the Day

Question "How do I make my speakers sound better?"

Answer: "Play better-sounding music."

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Picture of the Day: I have panda bears on my feet!

Katie's Half-Year Birthday and First Subway Ride

Today, our daughter has been in this world for exactly half a year. It's amazing how fast time flies.

We celebrated her birthday weekend by taking her on a short little trip to Costco. What little girl doesn't want to go to Costco on her birthday? The most exciting part about this trip - this weekend was the first time that Katie has taken the subway.

When we climbed down the stairs of the subway station we were really unsure how Katie would react to all the sounds. Katie really doesn't like the blender, so I was unsure how she would respond to loud subway cars racing by her. Long story short - she was just fine on the subway. She acted like a seasoned pro. She even made a friend.

When we climbed onto the subway car, a young family got on along with us. Mom, dad and little 14 month old Sebastian are currently visiting the Big Apple from Norway. Within just a minute or two on the subway, Katie noticed Sebastian - and Sebastian noticed Katie. Both of the little tykes stared at each other across the aisle for a few minutes before Sebastian's mom decided to come a bit closer so the two could properly meet. Once they got within a few feet of each other, their staring became even more intense. About three subway stops later, Katie's new friend got off the subway to venture over to Ground Zero. I don't remember how old I was before I made my first international friend, but I think I was much older than Katie.

On our way back, a young twenty-something woman got on our subway car. She slowly and deliberately moved herself so that she was standing in the very middle of the car (right in front of us). The woman's clothes were dirty and tattered. I don't generally take too much notice to people standing on the subway, but there was something about this woman that caught my attention. Maybe it was the combination of fear and pride that I sensed in her eyes. Maybe it was the fact that she was standing in the middle of the subway car when there were seats that she could have sat down in. As the car started to me, she took off her hat and she began to sing. The young woman was a trained opera singer who came to New York to catch her big break - but the Big Apple treated has treated her harshly thus far. The woman belted out Ave Maria with as much passion as she could muster. Wife said that the woman was actually pretty good. If you're not familiar with Wife and music, it is extremely difficult to get sincere praise from Wife for one's singing ability (she generally thinks Simon Cowell is too nice). I have no doubt that the woman has the talent (at least the voice) to make it on Broadway - but there are scores of talented men and woman here struggling to find their big break.

As the woman sang, Katie just starred at her. I'm pretty sure I could tell what was going through Katie's mind. I'm sure she was thinking, "You're not my mommy. Why are you singing to me?" Katie may have even been thinking, "You're kind of boring. Don't you know how singing works? You start with some opera, then you transition to some country, then you glide into some church music. Finally, you end your performance with some rock and hip-hop. Of course, all of this needs well-choreographed dance moves and facial expressions so that I can bounce along." In any event, I'm calling this Katie's first concert.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Picture of the Day: I'm playing in the snow at Central Park after our recent storm. Ok, I'm not doing a lot of playing. I'm just looking around.

Come on! Really, would you eat this?

Here's what Daddy thinks he's going to feed me for dinner tonight. It's fresh green bean puree. Mommy and Daddy's dinner looks much better than this. Why don't they eat a bowl of this and call it dinner? Is there some sort of lawsuit I can file to get my sweet potatoes back?

Some Food I Like, Some Food I Don't

For those of you keeping track at home:
  • I don't like eating rice cereal. When Mommy and Daddy give it to me, I pretend that I don't know how to eat (hee hee...don't tell them that I really do know how to swallow - this trick works pretty well).
  • I love sweet potatoes. Wow...that stuff is good. I can eat it all day. Just put a bowl of that in front of me, and I'll do a face plant into the bowl. Yummy.
  • I don't like green beans. This green mush is just gross. I'll eat a bit of it, but I'll make faces the whole time and let everyone know that I'd much rather they get me some sweet potato.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Picture of the Day: I like sweet potato! Finally, something other than rice cereal!

My First Post

After bugging him for months, Daddy has finally set me up so I can do my own blog posts. Mommy suggested I write my first post on how much I love elevators. What I really love about elevators is the really cool buttons that light up when I press them. What's really awesome is when Mommy is wearing me in the Bjorn and turns her head, so I can reach out and make those buttons light up. For some reason, the people living on the 25th floor don't think it's neat that I make the buttons that say 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 light up. Strange. You'd think they'd like the pretty lights too.

You Know You are Living in 2010 When...

1. You accidentally enter your PIN on the microwave.

2. You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years.

3. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of three.

4. You e-mail the person who works at the desk next to you.

5. Your reason for not staying in touch with friends and family is that they don't have e-mail addresses.

6. You pull up in your own driveway and use your cell phone to see if anyone is home to help you carry in the groceries.

7. Every commercial on television has a web site at the bottom of the screen

8. Leaving the house without your cell phone, which you didn't even have the first 20 or 30 (or 60) years of your life, is now a cause for panic and you turn around to go and get it.

9. You get up in the morning and go on line before getting your coffee.