Sunday, January 29, 2017

How to Get Out of Trouble

Mommy began to sternly lecture the girls about picking up after themselves.

Elizabeth raised her hand and sweetly interjected, "Excuse me, Mommy.  You're beautiful."

Friday, January 27, 2017

The Grizzly Trees

Recently, Elizabeth has been talking about "grizzly trees."

What's a grizzly tree, we asked?  Elizabeth patiently explained that a grizzly tree is a tree that doesn't have any leaves on it.  Okay...we've never heard it called that before, so we're kind of curious about the origin of the term.

We just realized that Elizabeth is talking about "bare trees."  Trees that are bare because the leaves have fallen off.

"Yeah," Elizabeth explained, "That's what I said.  Grizzly trees.  Grizzly bear trees."

Monday, January 2, 2017

Stuff Elizabeth Says

We finished our holiday break by trekking down to Chinatown, located between Greenwich Village and the Financial District in Manhattan.  Katie has been BEGGING to go to Chinatown for weeks because she loves the food.  Visiting Chinatown is a little bit like visiting another world - almost all of the people are Asian and very little signage is in English.

After we finished our dim sum, and went shopping to get some food to bring home, we began our journey back home.  Elizabeth asked, "When will be back in New York?"

"We are in New York."

"No, when will be back in New York City?"

"Elizabeth, Chinatown is in New York City.  We're just a couple miles from home."

"What?  That's ridiculous.  Does 'Chinatown' just mean 'Pretend China'"?