Saturday, April 21, 2012

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Come on, Elizabeth. You'll love tummy time.

A Couple Moments from Easter

Katie did a couple things today worth sharing.

First, when we got home from church, we were eating lunch, and Mommy asked Katie what she wanted to with the rest of the day.  Katie responded, "Go back to church!  Please, please, I want to go back to church!"  Picture her with puppy dog eyes, hands clenched together, begging, "Pleeeeeease).  It was adorable.

Second, just a few moments ago, Elizabeth was in her crib sleeping.  Katie carried a chair over next to Elizabeth, and climbed in.  I walked over by her and she said, "Shhh...quiet Daddy.  Elizabeth is sleeping.  Let's watch the baby sleep."  She would have been content sitting there for the next hour just watching her baby sister sleep.

Sunday, April 1, 2012