Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Keeping Busy

It has been a long, hectic day - and the day is not even close to being over yet. I spent the first part of the morning participating in an on campus interview with a big NYC firm (those are just introductory "get to know you interviews" - nothing exceptionally excited). Oh, the firm gave us all Starbucks gift cards as gifts; that was nice. Later, I had a pesky class to prepare for and go to (annoying how classes are getting in the way of my life).

This afternoon was then spent doing "serious interviews" at another one of the big, swanky New York City law firms. Though four hours of straight interviews does not sound too bad, it is rather draining.

Top tier law firms don't deviate in their pay for young lawyers. All "good" NYC firms pay exactly the same amount. What differentiates firms competing for top talent are the perks. A few of the perks that the firm I was at today offer their lawyers include:
* Starbucks drinks catered in for the attorneys twice a day.
* A freshly baked cookie tray brought to the attorneys on each floor every afternoon.
* A team of massouses to give each attorney a massage once a week.

I recently told a friend, I don't plan to make money the deciding factor in my choice. But hot, freshly baked cookies may be hard to to turn down. Yes, it is the important stuff that will persuade me.

I should add: I am not particularly optimistic about getting an offer at this NYC firm. I know that this NYC firm, just like most others, receives about 500 resumes for each open slot. The firm did screening interviews with 51 lawyers. I made it past that round. They are bringing back fifteen to twenty for serious interviews. I think of it something like American Idol. I made it past the "thousands auditioned" stage, to now where there is the "top twenty-four." While I have a shot, I'm smart enough to know that the odds are strongly stacked against me.

Now, I need to go pack because first thing in the morning, I am flying down South.

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