Monday, August 11, 2008

Exploring Greenwich Village: The Cage

New York City is famous for its street basketball. The heart of the intense b-ball action are on the courts on West 4th Street Courts, also known as "The Cage," right here in Greenwich Village. The courts are next to the West Fourth Street-Washington Square subway station (servicing the A, B, C, D, E, F, and V trains). "The Cage" has become one of the most important tournament sites for the city-wide "Streetball" amateur basketball tournament, and is famous for its non-regulation size court. Because the courts are so small, more emphasis is given to banging inside (for you non-sports fans, just think "tough physical play"). Usually the sidelines are simply ignored during play. Due to the large number of players who come to play here (especially from the Bronx) competition for playing time is stiff. The players in “The Cage,” are very good. Because of its reputation numerous national commercials have been shot at The Cage. Former NBA player Anthony Mason and current Miami Heat player Smush Parker are some of the nationally recognized ballplayers to learn their tough style of play from The Cage. When I would return home, I would always enjoy stopping for a few moments to watch these hungry players try to prove themselves.

According to the Village Voice:

“The West 4th Street League, founded by a limousine driver named Kenny Graham, has carved its own place in asphalt history. Among the notables who have filled the Cage are Dr. J, Walter Berry, Jayson Williams, and Anthony Mason’s Primetime squad won five titles in the early 1990s. West 4th Street officials estimate that their league attracts more than 100,000 spectators each summer, numbers that Rucker Park rivaled only in its heyday during the late 1960s and early 1970s. West 4th's talent is big, but the court's too small to contain all the flying elbows. To some tourists, this may look like a steel-cage wrestling match. "If you don't like a physical brand of basketball," says A-Train, "stay away from West 4th.”

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