Wednesday, August 19, 2009

As the Baby Drops

Wife and I began our day with an early morning visit with the doctor for a regularly scheduled exam. Ten minutes into the appointment, the doctor announced that Wife must go to the hospital immediately for more tests. Depending on the outcome of the tests, the doctor said there was a 50-50 chance they would induce labor today (if the baby didn’t show up on her own before that).

Two hours into our hospital stay, a resident and a nurse confirmed that, yes, one way or the other the baby would be born either today or early tomorrow.

Four hours into the hospital visit, the doctor sent us home, telling us that she looked forward to seeing us again soon. We’re told that we might make our next hospital visit later today, or it could be another three weeks before Baby Girl comes. The doctor is of the opinion that something closer to the former is correct, but I have my doubts.

Lucky for us, we have now entered the phase where the doctor wants to see Wife twice a week.

Upon hearing that news, Wife and I both went back to our respective places of employment.

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