Saturday, May 22, 2010

We're Not Raising No Dummy

In the last week, list of skills has grown considerably. For quite a while now, she's been doing the army crawl. For a while she has also liked to go over to objects and pull on them. Now, she crawls (not an army crawl any more - a full blown racing crawl) over to items and pulls herself up to the standing position.

A few minutes ago, I put Katie on the floor. She promptly crawled over to her toy box, stood up and then started to pull each toy out one by one. Within a couple minutes, she had made a pretty considerable mess. Her toys were spread all over the floor.

Katie stood by her toy box and surveyed her work. She seemed quite proud of herself.

Suddenly, Katie let out a squawk. As I stood next to her, she did the the cutest thing ever - she lifted her harms as if to say, "Hold me. I want you Daddy." It was adorable.

Of course, I immediately picked her up. I'm a well-trained Daddy.

As soon as I picked her up, she seemed to forget me. She started surveying the room again. Her eyes carefully scanned back and forth across the floor. She was clearly looking for a particular toy. As soon as she found it, she motioned that she wanted back down, and she crawled right over to the little wooden book that is her toy of choice for the week. She ain't no dummy.

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