Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Actual Conversations Over Dinner

Tonight, our dinner conversation included the following conversations:

Conversation 1:

In response to a question I asked, Wife replied, "I don't have a clue."

Katie's response: "No clue, Mommy?"

Wife: "No, I don't have a clue."

Katie: "Go to the store to buy a clue, Mommy."

Conversation 2:

After dinner, Katie asked for a cookie.  She ate her dinner, so I gave her a cookie.  As she was eating her cookie, Wife and I each started to eat a piece of chocolate.  I thought we got our chocolate without Katie noticing.  I was wrong.

Katie: "Daddy, Katie have chocolate too, please."

Daddy: "No, Katie.  You get a cookie, and Mommy and Daddy get chocolate."

Katie: "Please, Daddy chocolate for Katie too."

Daddy: "No, Katie, you have a cookie instead."

Katie spits out her cookie and happily announces, "No thank you cookie!  Chocolate please!!!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is so polite though!