Thursday, February 7, 2013

Katieism - He needs a nose!

We are officially under a blizzard warning in NYC. That has our household incredibly excited. Katie has inherited my love of snow. The idea of having enough snow to build a snowman has her dancing in circles. Elizabeth is excited as well but mainly just because she gets to watch her sister dance around in circles. All day Katie has been talking about building a snowman. Here is a snippet from our conversation earlier today.

 "Mommy we must go to the market. We need to buy carrots for my snowman. Mommy find carrots on sale! He really REALLY needs a nose."

Why must the carrots be on sale? Katie has learned that I won't buy anything unless it is on sale. So her constant question while we are out shopping is whether something is on sale. She knows that if it isn't then there is zero chance of me buying it.


Aunt Shelly said...

I hope you get to make that snowman today.

Wife in NYC said...

Unfortunately the snowman didn't happen. Between Katie being sick and Husband working most of the day, it was just too hard. Next blizzard for sure!