Sunday, March 1, 2009

Beginning the Second Trimester

We find ourselves almost one week into the second trimester (and possibly further along, pending the results of the next visit with our medical professional). Wife is still feeling pretty queasy. We keep hearing that one day she will wake up feeling wonderful. That hasn't happened. Fortunately, it appears that she is slowly feeling a slightly better. She's now able to keep some of her meals down. Her appetite isn't great, but it is stronger. Of course, that might be the result of solely feeding her what she likes: french toast, grilled cheese sandwiches, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, soup, oatmeal and steamed vegetables (of course, not at the same time...that would be gross).

Baby A appears to continue its development:
  • The nostrils, cheeks, lips, cheeks and chin are clearly defined.
  • S/he is developing reflexes. Touching its palms or soles of feet would make its fingers or toes wiggle.
  • Muscles are attaching to its face, so it can open its mouth, smile and frown.


Anonymous said...

"Muscles are attaching to its face"? Makes me visualize some sort of sci fi special effects, maybe starring Schwarzenegger or something....

I certainly never said she would wake up feeling miraculously wonderful! I simply said she would wake up one morning feeling "not sick." There's a distinct difference between "wonderful" and "not sick"! It'll be like how you felt the morning after the bar exam: you woke up feeling "not sick," but it'd be a leap to say you felt "wonderful." Semantics MATTER! :P

Husband in NYC said...

Actually, that wasn't a quote from you. You carefully qualified your encouragement (Wife would be THRILLED to feel "not sick"). However, many others have used the exact phrase "wake up feeling great," including my secretary this morning. Given that she has three kids, we really want to believe her. It was pretty hard not to laugh when she used that phrase again today.