Sunday, March 15, 2009


Everyone is doing well here in the Big Apple. This past week, we had an appointment with Wife's doctor. I skipped out of work for a little while and joined them. The doctor says everyone is doing great. Baby is growing just like the kid should. The doctor was optimistic that we might discover whether we should start buying pink or blue stuff, but the kid had other ideas. As the doctor pressed on Wife's stomach, we watched the kid to a flip over and turn its back to us. Needless to say, the doctor did not get a good view of the genitalia region. The child's heartbeat continues to be strong.

Wife's health is slowly improving. Instead of constantly being sick, not it comes and goes. Her appetite is not really strong, but she is keeping her food down. She's also been more active. Yesterday, Wife insisted on going out to the farmer's market. She also insisted on walking the entire round trip of three miles.


Anonymous said...

It was closer to four miles! Thank you for walking slow for me. - Wife

Anonymous said...

Darn it, I really want to know whether to buy pink or blue, too! I still say it's a girl. :) Glad Wife is feeling better. Sorry it isn't 100% better. Maybe next time? :D