Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Bar Exam Snacks

Studying for the Bar exam really isn't good for my waistline. Some major candy manufacturers are client's of Wife's - and they send her home with amazing quantities of chocolate. She has incredible self-control and eats none of it. But me...well...I'm enjoying the chocolate too much to care as I try to cram thousands of lists of elements into my head.

My law firm helped to heap on the calories by sending me a box of "brain food" along with a sweet card wishing me good luck, signed by my "Friends" at Law Firm. While the goodies are a wonderful gesture, the tremendous amount they spent on overnight shipping these boxes across the country disturbs me. Personally, I think a nice restaurant gift certificate, just for the amount they spent on shipping, would have been more useful. Of course, I suppose it would be taxable income. I'll have to check the tax code to see if there is an exception for a box of food from the definition of taxable income. I'll think about that after the Bar. I am in the process of expunging everything I ever learned about the tax code so that I can memorize the five factors the court will consider when determining whether a non-compete clause in a partnership agreement is enforceable (and thousands of other useless lists).

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